Natural Family Planning (NFP) refers to any form of family planning that adheres to the natural means of procreation, free from artificial contraceptives. NFP has been historically understood as the “calendar method” or “rhythm method”, both of which are outdated practices that do not provide accurate means of family planning.
At Vitae Clinic, our doctors have incorporated a scientific, more natural method that works with your body to give you a more informed and collaborative approach to family planning.

The Creighton Model at Vitae Clinic
At the heart of our approach to natural family planning is fertility awareness: helping couples make choices based on biological signs of fertility throughout a woman’s monthly cycle.
Vitae Clinic is the only OB/GYN medical care provider in Central Texas that offers personalized instruction on the Creighton Model, a form of natural family planning that relies on recording and interpreting observations of cervical mucus as indicators of fertility. Using this model, a woman can chart her fertility signs to create a personalized medical record. This method is backed by decades of scientific research and is just as effective as – if not more than – forms of artificial contraception.
There are zero negative side effects to using the Creighton Model. Plus, following the Creighton Model enables couples to both avoid and achieve pregnancy, allowing for a more comprehensive approach to family planning.
The benefits of the Creighton Model include:
Achieving a deeper understanding of your body and your cycle
Flexibility in your decision to avoid or achieve pregnancy
Ongoing support from a certified FertilityCare™ practitioner
Discovering underlying medical issues such as:
Hormone imbalances
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

At the heart of our approach to natural family planning is fertility awareness: helping couples make choices based on biological signs of fertility throughout a woman’s monthly cycle.
Vitae Clinic is the only OB/GYN medical care provider in Central Texas that offers personalized instruction on the Creighton Model, a form of natural family planning that relies on recording and interpreting observations of cervical mucus as indicators of fertility. Using this model, a woman can chart her fertility signs to create a personalized medical record. This method is backed by decades of scientific research and is just as effective as – if not more than – forms of artificial contraception.
There are zero negative side effects to using the Creighton Model. Plus, following the Creighton Model enables couples to both avoid and achieve pregnancy, allowing for a more comprehensive approach to family planning.
The benefits of the Creighton Model include:
Achieving a deeper understanding of your body and your cycle
Flexibility in your decision to avoid or achieve pregnancy
Ongoing support from a certified FertilityCare™ practitioner
Discovering underlying medical issues such as:
Hormone imbalances
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)
The Creighton Model at Vitae Clinic
Curious about enrolling in Vitae’s Creighton Model FertilityCare™ classes? Email heather@vitaeaustin.com to get started!